Holistic Healing – Natural Disease Treatment
During 1:1 ONLINE consultations- we treat a variety of chronic diseases using natural medicines fully tailored to each of your concerns.
Ever Wondered How to Get Your Health Back?
Why does your disease return despite all medications and dieting?
The answer may be simple: your previous medications and diet addressed only symptoms, but not the root causes of your disease. Therefore, they just barely scratched the surface of your disease.
Our Natural Treatment is different!
We believe that when we eliminate all root causes of the disease, there would be no reason for disease to exist in the body.

That is why the goal of our natural treatment is to find all hidden root causes of your chronic disease and treat each of them using NATURAL remedies.
This unique approach allows us to treat difficult chronic cases even when other treatments have failed to act.
We use professional strength herbal and homeopathic medicines.
Benefits of our Natural Disease Treatment:
Natural and safe
True Attention to each symptom
You get the true attention to each of your symptoms. For us, each of your symptoms is important. For example, we will ask you: “What is the character of your pain, is it burning, stitching, pressing, cutting, etc.”. We will ask you about specific time of the day/night when you feel worse, for example: “From 4-5AM in the morning, my headache gets worse”, and many other questions that you have never thought about. We will use all of these symptoms in analysis of more than 5,000 natural medications for you.
Focus on True Causes of your disease
You get therapy that treats the root causes of your disease, instead of masking the symptoms. As a result, you get stable health improvement instead of dependency on medications.
Highly Tailored
You get highly tailored treatment. Every time we select from more than 5,000 remedies to find natural medications that are precisely suited for you and no one else.
In contrast to others, we do not have protocol treatments, and we do not prescribe on a “one-fits-all” basis.
Absolutely Unique Treatment
You get truly individualized treatment. Example: Three people with the same diagnosis – “arthritis of a knee” will get three different remedies. This happens because:
- Each of them has different quality of pain (1st one has localized pain sensation, 2nd has pain shooting to the back, 3rd has the pain shooting to the heel).
- Each of them has many other diseases in addition to the arthritis.
- Each of them has different history of the disease.
- Each of them has different emotional reaction to the disease (1st remain positive, 2nd blame others, 3rd indifferent).
All these factors (and many others) will influence the prescription. Therefore, each of the three patients will need three different natural remedies despite they all have arthritis.
Treatment as a Whole- from each side, from each perspective
You get treatment as the whole – we don’t consider you as a bunch of different organs that should be treated separately. Everything is interconnected in the body. For example, the production of gastric juices controlled not only locally, but also by your brain (central nervous system). If you have strong stress, your brain may send an impulse to the stomach that changes the production of gastric juice and makes it more acidic than usual. As a result, an ulcer in stomach may develop from too much acidity. Therefore, to treat an ulcer in the stomach, it is important not only to restore the lining of the stomach and make gastric juice less acidic, but it is equally important to alleviate the stress. We will naturally treat your disease from each side, from each perspective.
Beneficial simulteniously at Physical and Emotional Levels
Our main focus is natural treatment of your physical diseases, yet simultaneously with the treatment of your physical problems we also use natural medicines capable to alleviate your emotional issues (fears, anxieties, abuse, traumatic relationships, panic attacks, etc.). As the result, you get the treatment that simultaneously works at both: physical and emotional levels.
Best Natural Expertise
You get the best natural expertise – the specialist who educated in both natural and conventional medicine. All our natural specialists have MD backgrounds. All our practitioners have Canadian diplomas in natural health and successful practical experience.
Profound analysis of each case.
We perform the comprehensive analysis of your case: we perform analysis of your symptoms; we find root causes of your disease; we create computer and paper charts; we differentiate among 5000 remedies; we analyze using tones of professional literature; also, for analysis, we use latest research studies in natural medicine including randomized-controlled studies(available in professional sources).
Protection for Your Future Health
You get protection for your future health because we analyze diseases that run in your family and create an effective preventative plan, so you can finally get peace in minde about your health.
High value
You get the value of a dozen of other natural treatments in one. It is because we use a variety of natural remedies from a variety of natural approaches. In addition of using herbal and homeopathic remedies ,we provide nutritional advice and lifestyle modifications.
What to expect from our holistic healing and Natural Disease Treatment:
Step 1: Analyze Root Causes
We analyze all of the root causes of your disease that occurred during the lifetime, such as:
- Infectious diseases
- Physical traumas
- Emotional traumas
- Side effects of medical drugs, surgeries
- Nutritional deficiencies
- Possible intoxication with heavy metals,herbicides,pesticides, etc.
- Hereditary predispositions to certain diseases
- Many other root causes
Step 2: Create Treatment Plan
We create the treatment plan, which includes all the root causes of your disease, as well as all your symptoms (including physical and emotional).
Step 3: Use Natural Remedies to Improve Your Health
We use a variety of natural remedies:
- Herbal
- Homeopathic/Heilkunst
- Immunomodulating
- Bio-active
- Organoprotective
- Organostimulative
- Miasmatic
- Detoxifying on organ level
- Detoxifying on intracellular level
- Others
We treat all causes of your disease one by one, driving you to the best possible health results.
Step 4: Adjust Treatment as Needed
Each time you come for a visit, we analyze how your symptoms have changed after the use of the natural medicines and adjust your treatment according to these changes; so, we will prescribe for you new remedies and new doses.
Step 5: Address All Root Causes
Step by step, we address all the root causes of your disease. Altogether with the root causes, the symptoms of disease will gradually disappear, till we achieve stable health results and you become the healthiest version of yourself.
How Does the Treatment Process Look Like:
Initial Consultation: 2 hours
During the Initial Consultation, natural treatment plan is created. It includes a detailed review of all root causes of your disease during the lifetime (such as infectious diseases, surgeries, side effects of pharmaceutical drugs, emotional traumas, etc.) The treatment plan is used as a guideline to take into account and alleviate each root cause during future treatments.
We will also take a look(from perspective of natural medicine) at your laboratory analysis, drugs and supplements that you currently take.
We will analyze all of your symptoms ( physical and emotional), and prescribe the remedy that will be suited to those symptoms. After you receive and take the remedy, we allow it to act for 1 month and observe all possible changes in your symptoms that may occur as the result of the remedy action.
Follow-up Consultation: 1 hour
After one month you come for a follow-up consultation (60 minutes).
During that consultation, we will analyze changes in your symptoms again, and based on them will adjust your treatment – prescribe you a new remedy and new dose .
Follow-up consultations are repeated till all causes and all symptoms of your disease are alleviated.

How Many Consultations are Required?
The rough estimate for a not complicated chronic case is a minimum from 6 to 12 visits with the intervals of 1 month between each visit.
Why does it take so long to treat a chronic disease?
Too many factors are lying underneath of chronic disease, and those factors can be shaded only gradually.
Therefore, therapy for chronic diseases is not a one-time treatment, but rather a process. During each follow up visit we adjust your treatment(change your remedy and dose) in order to lead you to the best possible results.
On what depends the length of the treatment ?
Length of treatment depends on:
- How deep is the disease – how many root causes and layers it has underneath.
- How long did you have the disease.
- What kind of treatments did you have before.
- Whether you have side effects from pharmaceutical drugs, surgeries, etc.
How do you achieve stable health results?
For each root-cause of the disease, we find the most appropriate natural remedy. By addressing each cause with the specific remedy tailored to that exact cause, we achieve stable health results.
This Program is for You If
You want better health.
You want freedom from chronic diseases: physical or emotional.
You have problems with sleep (insomnia); you have fatigue and lack of energy.
You have tried all conventional medical treatment options and still not satisfied with the results.
You have developed side effects of pharmaceutical drugs and now are looking for natural alternatives.
You have developed a dependency on pharmaceutical medications and want to gradually wean off (*under the supervision of your family doctor).
In addition to the holistic healing and natural treatment of your physical disease, you also would like to have alleviation of emotional issues( by means of natural medications).
You want more profound treatment then just alleviation of symptoms, you want to find the real causes of your disease and eliminate them.
This Program is Not for You If
You are looking for a fast fix and don’t want to hear that each chronic disease has many root cases underneath, which should be addressed one by one.
You are not willing to stick with the program for minimum of 6-12 visits and believe that a chronic disease, which has been with you for many years, can be magically fixed in one visit.
You are not ready to make lifestyle changes beneficial for your health.
Success Stories of Our Patients
I want to say thank you for the natural treatment you provided to me. When I first came to you, I had heart palpitations, high blood pressure, and stomach issues(gastritis). You solved all those problems with absolutely natural remedies. Your holistic approach helped me a lot. On top of that, to my surprise, I also had positive emotional change.
My wife noticed that I become significantly less irritable, especially when driving. I feel much more energy inside. After work, I now feel enough energy to go to the gym and exercise. I never thought that natural medicine could be so powerful. Thank you for your work.
Let me tell you – your work is wonderful. Your attention to the details to my smallest symptoms absolutely amazed me. My main health issue was the hyperfunction of my thyroid gland, but in addition to it, I had weakness and pain in my legs due to varicose problems. The first thing that I have noticed was the better strength in my legs. Now I do not feel the heaviness. I can enjoy walking for hours without any pain or heaviness in my legs.
I was over the moon even after the initial improvement. Your treatment exceeded all my expectations when you helped me to balance my thyroid problems. I didn’t believe it and had blood work done, which showed amazing improvement. I can not describe my happiness. I am grateful for your help.
When you explained to me that natural remedies are also capable of healing the emotions in addition to providing body healing, it was difficult to believe. But you were right! Before the treatment, I had constant worries about my family members, and after the treatment, my worries disappeared. For the first time in many years, I do not have anxious thoughts about my children. It was a significant bonus to all positive changes in my body. I recommended you to all of my friends!
I had terrible migraines and had an obsessive-compulsive disorder. My migraines were preventing me from having a normal life. The pain was overpowering me as if many iron hammers were making noises inside of my head. My obsessive-compulsive disorder was also not a piece of cake. I was checking on locks 22 times and was doing many repetitive rituals that I don’t even want to mention. I knew it was not normal, yet I couldn’t stop doing it.
You asked me in detail about my headache. Before you, none of the doctors ever asked me about so many symptoms that I had. It was amazing to see how every detail was important for you. Thanks to your help, I am free of migraines and painkillers! I am much more relaxed than ever before, and I feel that checking the lock twice is enough. I do not need to worry about it any longer. I am officially normal and happy. Thank you for changing my life. Thank you for everything you have done for me.
Thanks to you and your natural medications, I feel healthier than ever before! I do not have asthma anymore, I do not have those attacks of fearful suffocation when I felt like dying and often had to be hospitalized. I celebrate every day of my new life, and I am typing these words with the tears of happiness in my eyes.
Whoever had asthma as terrible as mine will understand me. I will forever remember your help. Can I say that your treatment changed my life – absolutely, I am 100% a new person!
After seeing what kind of power natural medicine has, I even started following a healthier lifestyle.
As long as I remember myself, I had a fear of heights. I was afraid of crossing high bridges alone. I was even scared of escalators in the mall. After the treatment you provided me, my fears disappeared. I visited Europe and for the first time in my life climbed up the middle ages tower for the sightseeing. I absolutely could not do it before. I missed many life experiences as I was avoiding a few of the places because of my fear of heights.
Now I can enjoy exploring all those high up places! My close relative are telling me that I am like completely different person now. I feel more positive, more enthusiastic, and more optimistic inside. I feel limitless.
I didn’t believe in natural medicine. I came to you because my sister had an amazing health improvement with your help. Back then, I wasn’t expecting much.
Imagine my surprise when my health-related concerns were fully addressed. I mean, after I was struggling with eczema for ages using heavy meds with no results, I got cured with absolutely natural medicine! Highly recommend your treatment to anyone!
Examples of Conditions Addressed by Our Holistic Healing Approach, Including But Not Limited to:
- Endocrine system disorders: diabetes, thyroid gland diseases, etc.
- Intestinal problems and gastric disturbances: Colitis, Reflux, Irritable Bowel Syndrome, Gastritis, Hemorrhoids, Constipation, Diarrhea, Ulcers, Pancreatitis, Cirrhosis, Hepatitis, Diverticulosis, Dyspepsia, Flatulence, Nausea, Vomiting, etc.
- Allergies of all types: seasonal, respiratory, food, etc.
- Respiratory issues: asthma, bronchitis, inflammation of throat or tonsils, etc.
- Skin conditions: psoriasis, eczema, acne, ringworm, herpes, warts, fungal infection, etc.
- Autoimmune diseases: multiple sclerosis, rheumatoid arthritis, Lupus, etc.
- Sleep disturbances
- Skin conditions: psoriasis, eczema, acne, ringworm, herpes, warts, fungal infection, etc.
- Headaches and Migraines
- Cardio-vascular diseases: high blood pressure, high cholesterol level, varicose
- Brain and nervous system disorders: headaches, Parkinson’s, seizures, tics, dizziness, vertigo, etc.
- Musculoskeletal disorders: back pain, carpal tunnel, gout, osteoarthritis, osteoporosis
- Ear/eyes/throat conditions
- Urinary problems: Incontinence, urinary tract infections, etc.
- Women’s Health: PMS, menopause, PCOS, amenorrhea, endometriosis, uterine fibroids, etc.
- Men’s health: erectile dysfunction, decreased libido, prostatitis, etc.
- Childhood Conditions
- Immunity and Infections
- Infertility
- Fibromyalgia
- Emotional issues: anxieties, panic attacks, fears, depressions, attention deficit disorders, Bipolar disorder, restless leg syndrome, stress, fatigue, schizophrenia, etc.
- Detoxification
Above just several examples of diseases that our natural approach deals with, but the list is not limited to these examples.
If you want more information about your disease and how we can help you, then book a FREE 15 minutes meet-and-greet session!